Board Diversity Policy

Board Diversity Policy

(1)The company's board diversity policy is established in the 'Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles,' as detailed below:

The composition of the board members should generally possess the knowledge, skills, and qualities necessary to perform their duties. To achieve the ideal goals of corporate governance, the board as a whole should have the following capabilities: operational judgment, accounting and financial analysis, management skills, crisis management, industry knowledge, international market perspective, leadership, and decision-making ability.

(2) The implementation of the company's board member diversity policy is as follows:


Gender Operational Judgment Ability Accounting and Financial Analysis Ability Management Ability Crisis Management Ability Industry Knowledge International Market Perspective Leadership Ability Decision-Making Ability
Representative of Ming Sheng Co., Ltd.

:Ming-Zhong Li
Male V V V V V V V V

Representative of Zong Yu Investment Co., Ltd.:Jing-Yi Tsai

Female V V V V V V V

Representative of Yisheng Co., Ltd.:Jing-Zhong Chen

Male V V V V V V

Representative of Yisheng Co., Ltd.:Jung-Ying Lee

Female V V V V V V V

Representative of Yide Co., Ltd. :Hsu-Yung Li

Male V V V V V V V V

Representative of Ming Sheng Co., Ltd.:Yi-Xun Li

Male V V V V V V V V

Representative of Zong Yu Investment Co., Ltd.:Xing Wang

Male V V V V V V V V
Ming Yeh.Cheng Female V V V V V V V V
Yao-Ren Ho Male V V V V V V V V
Teng-Yao Hsiao Male V V V V V V V
Bin-Xi Lin Male V V V V V V V V
Yiu-Cho Chin Male V V V V V V V

(3) The company has established a board performance evaluation system approved by the board of directors, and conducts internal performance evaluations at least once a year for the board, individual directors, the Compensation Committee, and the Audit Committee.